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*(A)rt and (R)esearch on (T)ransformations of (I)ndividuals and (S)ocieties

January 16, 2025

New Publication: “Art Education (is always a) Political Practice”

written by Corinna Kühnapfel We are pleased to announce the publication of Art Education (is always a) Political Practice by Anisha Gupta Müller, a comprehensive exploration of anti-discriminatory pedagogies within the context of art education in Germany. This bilingual book (English and German) reflects on the author’s three years of work within the ARTIS project […]
April 24, 2024

MacKenzie Trupp’s (UNIVIE) research received The Impact Award 2023

written by Corinna Kühnapfel UNIVIE PhD Candidate MacKenzie Trupp has been recently awarded with the Impact Award 2023 funded by the City of Vienna Cultural Affairs for her research funded by ARTIS. MacKenzie Trupp is a doctoral candidate at the Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) of the University of Vienna.Through […]
September 04, 2021

Artist Niklas Binzberger in collaboration with ARTIS member Matthew Pelowski

Matthew Pelowski collaborated with Niklas Binzberger in the BPA (Berlin Program for Artists). The publication “the mere presence of others” is about engaging art in the museum, art during the Corona pandmic, as well as the role of social formations in aesthetic judgements. The PDF booklet can be downloaded here.
